Trial version not opening Setapp tsf file correctly

I have a timeline in .tsf format which I am trying to open in the Trial version of Aeon Timeline.

The file is not opening correctly and has the following issues…

  1. Timeline view is empty - nothing is showing in the timeline view although all my entries are there in the Spreadsheet view.

  2. Data Type icons / colours are incorrect - Instead of seeing my coloured data type icons all I now see in a number of empty diamond shapes.

Can you offer any guidance. I am able to manually ‘fix’ the colour/icon issues but can not find a way to make existing entries show in the timeline. There is now a number of items with dates shown at he top of the timeline.

Are you able to send through the file to us at This would be the quickest way for us to work out what the issue is.

A couple of things to check in the meantime:

  1. When you say that your entries are in Spreadsheet View, but not in Timeline View, are they showing dates in Spreadsheet View?
  2. There is an option to choose what item types are shown on Timeline View. Click the “choose types to display on timeline button” on the bottom left of Timeline View (typeIcon) Make sure that the types of the entries you want to display are ticked.

Many thanks for the quick response. Oddly, I have tried it again this morning and it is working. However, I believe I can see the reason for this.

I opened my timeline in the “old” app and made a change to the file (all I changed were the relationships to show on the timeline). Even though I was using the old app, this appears to have changed the file extension from tsf to aeon which in return seems to be enabling the trial version to read the file correctly.

On a separate note, I notice that the trial version seems to have stripped all colour from the icons in the sidebar and in the relationships shown against each event in the timeline. Is this a planned aesthetic? I find it unhelpful where some datatypes shared the same icon but in a different colour. I now can’t tell them apart easily.

Yes this was a planned aesthetic, the colours were removed so that they could be applied to individual instances of that each item type with the associated icon (eg. in Relationship View, the Inspector, Subway View and other locations instead of just displaying the colour of something like a character, it now has both the icon and the colour).

Thanks for the response and clarification, much appreciated.