Will AT 2 run on Sonoma?

I started out long time ago using AT 2 on my older Macpro (Intel 8 Core and Mojave 10.14.6) Now I run AT 3 on Mac Studio Sonoma 14.5, and it works fine.
95% of my use includes sync with Scrivener, running fairly large research projects.

One thing I missed on the upgrade to AT 3 was the “Group by” option. I may set up filters in AT 3 to get specific extracts, but that is tedious for larger projects, to ‘hunt for needles in several haystacs’…

So I am pondering these two options:

  1. Can AT 3 be trimmed to show similar view as the AT 2 “Group by”???
  2. Will AT 2 run on Sonoma on my Mac studio??? If yes, how do I proceed?

There is a visual impact in AT 3 when ‘scrolling’ sideways, I get dizzy (falling off my chair), whereas on AT 2 scrolling up or down (selecting “Group by”) by using page up or pagedown keys.


Yes, AT2 runs on Sonoma. The download page is here.

Version 3 does also have the group by functionality (How to Use the Group By Functionality - Aeon Timeline 3 Knowledge Base) although it doesn’t have the ability to scroll it using page up/down keys.

Thank you for the link… I installed it and it works, but compared to version 3.4.2 it feels slow, even on Mac Silicon M1. Yet, now I can compare “on screen” and that is fine.

Hi Jess
Yeah I found the part in the knowledgebase, and it took a while for my mind to wrap around the fact that in split screen you can select timeline in one part and relationships in the other, but once I slowly selected the relevant values for Arc and Character, the actual relationship unfolded in 2 dimensions (as in AT 2) but much faster and coherent. So for these Scrivener based projects, split screen will be my go-to view. :+1: