Your PayPal (via Bright-something FastSpring?) prevents renewal

This is an issue with your vendor. I just used PayPal on another site today, DigitalOcean and it operates perfectly.

However, over the weekend and today, when I try to purchase an Aeon Windows renewal from the app, I get a Just a second… hang, with rotating gezotz, after entering login and password. It never releases.

Not entirely pleased that my term ran out in the middle of your seldom-upgrade cycle, but the upgrades look useful this time. I wish you’d fix the problems with menu buttons and screen scaling, very long reported, and can’t really reckon why you skip over this either.

All this, just as I’m getting ready to really use, am really using, the Aeon abilities…

@jess, you’ve been quite helpful before, appreciated surely, and so I wonder if you can get some attention on this (and the same problem reported for Amazon payments)??

  • Basically, we’re prevented from purchasing Updates!!
  • it happens on both PayPal and Amazon
  • in my Amazon report next to this one, you can find a screenshot that gives a very good clue there’s something the matter with how Timeline is now calling for the payment – likely your interface to FastSpring (Bright-something?)
  • this used to work, for I’m running on an update done a year ago.

For your software persons, this ought to narrow it down well, so it’s a thing they can go in and directly discover what to fix.

We want you to have income, I’m sure, so it isn’t just for myself…

Thanks and best,

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Hi Clive,

Are you able to email us as with the email address that you have used for your license, and your account ID? Then we can look into what is happening with the transaction.