Events and story arcs or parallel timelines. AND HAVE FIGURED IT OUT - I think

I used to be an experienced user, then came the latest version.

I opened a general template and entered many dozens of events, dated and color coded.

I want to move some of those events into parallel timelines.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to do it with this version.

I’ve done searches, read the manual, scoured the form. When it is addressed it isn’t explained, ie one said to set up an “item type” but then what do I do with it? How do I use that to create multiple timelines? Ie a master timeline and then sub timelines for various topics. That was VERY helpful in writing two prior books.

And, in the general template there is no story arc icon or item type that I can find, or figure out how to add.

so after posting this I finally figured out how to do it…whew!!
!How to add story arc icon to toolbar

I don’t quite understand if you’re expecting an answer. Just in case, I’ll give it a shot.

I assume you mean the grouping by arcs from Aeon Timeline version 2, like this:

With Aeon Timeline version 3, this is also possible via an icon at the bottom of the window:

Note that the wording has changed: what was called “entity type” in Aeon Timeline 2 is called “item type” in Aeon Timeline 3.

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Thank you! Not the way I figure out to add arcs, but easier than what I did…

Curious - what was your solution?

either Ive become dumber or the new program is much much tougher to figure out.

I added the story arc icon to the far left column under the “+” sign by using the method in link above.

Then once I had the icon I just created multiple story arcs. now stuck on how to add items to new arc via spreadsheet

I think I can help. In the spreadsheet view, look for a “>” character near the plus sign in the upper left corner, the plus sign you click to add a new entry to your timeline file.

Click the “>” to get a list of which columns are in view. Put a check mark beside story arcs, and you should see the column.

Each cell in the new story arc column will have a down arrow (like a little “v”). Click that to get a menu of story arcs to assign that row to.

Hope that helps.

Almost forgot - you can also select a row and turn on the inspector with the circle-i icon in the upper right of the Aeon window.

Choose relationships halfway down the inspector. It’s an icon that looks like a line drawing of a person. Story arc should be one of the relationships there.

That way, if you don’t need to see the story arc for every record, you can still control it and all aspects of the record.