Export to web gone?

We’ve been using Timeline 2 in our foundation for historical presentation and links to primary documents in repositories around the web. The export to web enabled us to put the whole timeline for users to navigate and choose links in an interactive way. Is this option gone in Aeon Timeline 3? That would certainly be a major issue for us.



Hi Mauricio,
You are right that this function is not available in version 3 at present.

You can read more information about it, and some potential short term alternatives, here:

We do plan to bring it back, but we want to do a better job than what was there in the past, and we made the decision not to defer the release for that particular feature.


Just chiming in that this would be a feature I’d love to see return as well.


Need the feature. It was great!


Web export is a high priority for me too. The timeline is not a means to an end for me — it’s the end itself. The main project I’m working on is an historical timeline to distribute as an educational tool.


Web export is a high priority for me too.
I use de AT for historical chronology.
There is a real issue if I cannot publish the results.
I was happy with what I could do with version 2.


Have you ever looked at Running Reality?

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It’s early days for v.3 and I’m waiting to see how things develop. In the meantime I’m maintaining parallel versions of my project in v.2 & v.3, which is a chore, but the new version has some nice things I want and the old one has the web export I need.

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I haven’t, but I will. Many thanks.

I’ve been an Aeon 2 user for a long time. I download a trial version of Release 3 and unhappily learned that the web export feature is gone. That was one of the essential features I used: producing historical timelines that could be sent/distributed to others who needed only a browser to view them. I cannot upgrade to Release 3 for this reason. A shame.


Just wanted to add my voice to those for whom web export is an absolutely critical feature of Aeon Timeline.

I’ve spent 5 years researching an extremely dense timeline with well over 1000 events, hundreds of supporting documents, and several dozen cross-cutting categories. Building this resource has taken countless hours. While I initially created this resource solely for my own research, it has become essential for me to share this with select others. A zoomable, interactive web export was the only viable option. Plus, it was dead simple.

I’ve read the workaround suggestions. I am sorry to say they’re not viable for my use case and my needs.

As long as AT3 lacks this feature, I can’t upgrade from version 2. Worse yet, I am now deeply worried that if I lose the ability to run v2 for whatever reason, I will lose years of work.

Please, please reinstate this feature in AT3.


I just received an email from Aeon Timeline mentioning some new features in AT3. The email contains a link to a Google survey regarding web-export use cases. I get the impression the AT team is thinking seriously about how to reinstitute that great and sorely missed feature.

I just filled the survey. I am hoping web exporting does get implemented again. It is crucial for our work in our foundation, and having searched for alternatives, and not finding any software that does something similar, we depend entirely on AEON timeline to publish this data. If at some point in the near future a OS update or some other issue forces us to ditch AEON Timeline v2, we would loose years of work on historical research and the ability to share it with the general public. Crossing my fingers that it’s coming soon.

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I’m in a similar boat. Fingers crossed!

In your case you should use other types of software, not a consumer desktop timeline software…

You should look at solutions like Arches, Heurists, ResearchSpace etc.

or even Omeka with the timeline addon http://www.neatline.org/

Most of them will easily be able to import the json file from Aeon, and it should also be possible to import the csv file with little effort…
Just as a tips

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Thanks. It’s very helpful for my research.

If there’s any way to get notified when/if this feature is re-implemented that would be great. It’d save having these tabs open indefinitely :slight_smile:

If you haven’t already, you can sign up to our newsletter on our website here: https://timeline.app/ (bottom right hand side of the page).
While we don’t announce every new feature that is released in this, web export might potentially be one that would be mentioned.

Hello. It’s been a year since the export to web feature was removed with Timeline 3 without any resolution. I need to decide whether to commit to Aeon and web export is a necessary feature.

It seems reasonable at this point that there should be a commitment more definitive than “maybe someday.”



Sorry for the delay in reply.

We are currently actively working on bringing Aeon Timeline to the web.

It is a little too early for us to talk about concrete dates, but we will provide more information about a potential timeline for beta users and full launch as soon as we are able.